Frequently Asked Questions

Where are your greenhouses located?

Our greenhouses are located in Paranaque, Metro Manila, and Tagum City, Davao del Norte. These strategic locations allow us to provide fresh, locally grown produce to our customers quickly and efficiently. By placing our farms close to urban centers, we ensure you receive the freshest greens possible, reducing transportation time and preserving the quality and nutrition of our produce.

How do you grow your greens?

We grow our greens using an advanced hydroponic method called the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT). This innovative technology lets a steady stream of nutrient-rich water flow over the roots of our plants, giving them everything they need to thrive. With NFT, we create the perfect environment for our plants, ensuring you get the freshest, most nutritious produce around!

What is the best way to store your greens?

The best way to keep your greens fresh and delicious is to store them properly. Seal your greens in a clean, airtight container or a resealable bag to prevent air from getting in and making them wilt. Keep them refrigerated at a temperature of 7°C. Make sure your greens are nice and dry before storing them; if they’re wet, gently pat them dry with a paper towel. Click here to see our list of stores!

Is your produce organic?

Right now, we've opted out for organic certification for our produce due to the nature of our hydroponic process. Because all our produce is grown inside a greenhouse, we have control over the growing conditions, surpassing even outdoor organic farms. Unlike many organic farms, which apply organic pesticides to their produce, every single leaf that we harvest and pack remains entirely pesticide residue free!

Should I wash your greens before eating?

Because our greens are hydroponically grown, we don't routinely use pesticides. Our vegetables are grown in greenhouses, which are closed, controlled environments, resulting in far fewer contaminants than outdoor produce. Additionally, we never 'prewash' our veggies because that process requires three rinses with chlorinated water, which we avoid. So, we typically encourage you to simply CUT, RINSE, REPEAT right before consumption.

Why do you use plastic packaging?

Finding the right packaging that balances environmental responsibility, food quality, shelf life, and safety is more complex than it seems. After examining so many options available locally, we found that plastic currently offers the best balance of all these factors. Our long-term goal is to surpass industry standards with a more sustainable solution while ensuring high-quality, well-preserved fresh produce for our customers.